Prospects' Summer Program Plan 2024

We will have 2 phases with a 2-week break in the middle.

PHASE 1- May 25-Jun 23, 2024

Time- 9 am - Noon 7 pm - 9 pm

Location- 555, Gym, Pool, San Luis, Kennedy

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday.


BREAK- Jun 24 - July 07, 2024


PHASE 2- July 08 - Aug 02, 2024

Time- 9 am - Noon 7 pm - 9 pm

Location-555, Gym, and Pool, San Luis, Kennedy

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.


***We will FOCUS on SPEED, POWER, and MOBILITY in all 5-Tools of baseball and ATHLETICISM.**

**Players who attended last summer will have a final swim of 1.25 Mile. New players will finish with a mile swim.**



-Get faster -get stronger -gain 2-3 MPH in throwing velocity -gain 3-5 MPH in bat speed -gain MUSCLE-Master baseball defensive fundamentals -gain Mobility -gain baseball IQ -Swimming Endurance & Speed

**There will still be Prospects' regular practices for players who are unable to attend.**

More to follow of maximum number of participants, cost, and logistics.

Prospects 12u gets their first “WIN” today as a brand new team.

They formed 5 months ago and have “ZERO” players with travel ball experience!!!

Went 1-1 today in Somerton, AZ.

CJ and Aaron hit HOME RUNS..

Aaron’s was a Grand Slam…. GREAT JOB to everyone.



Congrats to Prospects 12u for taking 3rd place in the San Luis league. Keep up the hard work boys. The WINS will come.

Yuma Prospects Black, Grey & Blue played NCS Tournament in Yuma, AZ, Oct 21-22, 2023.

Prospects BLUEtakes the CHAMPIONSHIP game in the Yuma, AZ, Zombies vs Superheroes 16u Open Tournament. 

Prospects GREY took FINALIST at Yuma, AZ, Zombies vs Superheroes 16u Tournament. Oct 21-22. 2023.

Prospects BLACK goes 2-1 in the Yuma, AZ, Zombies vs Superheroes Tournament, 16u Open. 


Yuma Prospects Baseball 10/12U Group is looking for players.


Welcome to Yuma Prospects Baseball

Welcome to Yuma Prospects Baseball! We are here to help you learn the skills and techniques to excel in the game of baseball. We provide a full range of services including one-on-one instruction, group coaching, and team training sessions to help you reach your goals. Come and join us today to unlock your potential as a baseball player!

“Working with Yuma Prospects Baseball has been a great experience for me. The coaches really take the time to get to know the athletes and their goals. They have helped me hone my skills and build my confidence on the field.”

— Player Ryker Drake

About us

Yuma Prospects Baseball is a baseball academy located in Yuma, Arizona, United States. We provide individual and team instruction for athletes of all levels in the game of baseball. Our expert coaches have years of experience in the game and are dedicated to helping our players reach their goals. We aim to create a fun and supportive learning environment where our players can develop their skills and have fun doing it.

Team Mission

Develop student athletes with high level 6-tool baseball training to set players up for success both academically and professionally. Prospects Baseball focuses on complete player development and both high school and college preparation.  

Our Programs

One-on-one instruction

Allows us to tailor a training plan that meets the specific needs of the individual

Group coaching

Helps you develop the skills and techniques essential to playing baseball in a team setting

Team training

Sessions give players the opportunity to practice and refine their skills in a team environment.


Prospects 10/12u Team in the makings.

Coach Joshua Maynes is the Head Coach.

Looking for players.


Physical Training

Physical trainings help players to build physical foundation and skills for a healthy life.

ACT Prep

Help high school players to prepare ACT, focus on the academic basics in Reading, Writing and Math.

Summer Program

Our players have fun in swimming, gym, and rock climbing etc. sessions in the summer

Contact us

Don't hesitate to reach out through our contact form or by calling us at (760) 917-4165.


Yuma Prospects Baseball
Yuma, Arizona, United States