Summer Program 2024 - Yuma, AZ

Prospects' Summer Program Plan 2024

We will have 2 phases with a 2-week break in the middle.

PHASE 1- May 25-Jun 23, 2024

Time- 9 am - Noon 7 pm - 9 pm

Location- 555, Gym, Pool, San Luis, Kennedy

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday.


BREAK- Jun 24 - July 07, 2024


PHASE 2- July 08 - Aug 02, 2024

Time- 9 am - Noon 7 pm - 9 pm

Location-555, Gym, and Pool, San Luis, Kennedy

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.


***We will FOCUS on SPEED, POWER, and MOBILITY in all 5-Tools of baseball and ATHLETICISM.**

**Players who attended last summer will have a final swim of 1.25 Mile. New players will finish with a mile swim.**



-Get faster -get stronger -gain 2-3 MPH in throwing velocity -gain 3-5 MPH in bat speed -gain MUSCLE-Master baseball defensive fundamentals -gain Mobility -gain baseball IQ -Swimming Endurance & Speed

**There will still be Prospects' regular practices for players who are unable to attend.**

More to follow of maximum number of participants, cost, and logistics.